Sunday, July 14, 2013

Ponds White Beauty White Day Cream: Rosy White Glow with Powder Finish

Many advertisements and commercials these days are giving false information to get you to buy their product. One of the products that we will be reviewing/executing is a whitening cream.

Does Ponds White Beauty Pinkish White Day Cream really work?
This product claims to make you have a rosy white glow with powder finish. It will make your skin appear whiter with continued use. But does it really make those affects on all skin?

We think that this commercial is misleading and giving false us information. First of all, they did not include any proof that the product can make your face whiter or less oily. The picture below shows that the model's skin is getting into lighter and lighter tones, but if you notice, it says at the bottom that it is only a Creative Visualization (or Picture Distortion) - and not real results.

The advertisement did not test/show results of other members of a particular population that used this product. They did not gather data of the product when used with other people. How will we know if this product is effective or not? We think that all products should show a graph about the results of a product to see how it works in the society. We don't know how different people will react to this product, and the different results that occur when different people try this product.

The product also does not have the average of the effect of this product, and the time frame on how long it will take to achieve the 'rosy white glow'. Hours? Days? Weeks?

We think that the advertisement they used does not have reliable evidence that their product actually works. They should include real-life effects of the product and other statistics, to make their advertisement more valid.